Student Counselling
The primary goal of school guidance and counselling services is to enhance and promote student learning. These services are designed to provide supports and resources to students at all levels, to their families, and to educators. They are intended to facilitate the educational, personal, social, emotional, and career development of students in schools and in the community.
Counselling as a profession is definitely a child of the western countries. The Indian society with its strong family bonds and a warm community feeling and spiritual essence has been providing the shock absorbers in times of crisisandas upport system to deal with the various psychosocialissues. Perhaps, thisisonereas onforthes low growth of the profession of counselling in India.
In the recent years the Indian society seems to have undergone a total metamorphosis withch angin grolesofwomen,a breakdown of the joint family system, increasedcompetitivenessinschools,increased sociability of the children,immense technological advances,peer and parentalp ressures resulting in anenvironmentl adenwithstres sandstra in for thec hildren.School counsellors seem to have appeared like a blessing to the students and the parents to cope with the increased stress and strain and contribute towards maintaining the mental health of the younger generation.